
Woodgreen Parish Annual Meeting



To be held on Wednesday 24th April 2024 in Woodgreen Village Hall commencing at 7.00pm

Chaired by Cllr John Clarke, Chairman of Woodgreen Parish Council

Cheese and Wine Reception 7pm

All parishioners are invited to meet with local village organisations, parish and district councillors to chat about their roles and their activities over the last year.

Followed at 7.45pm by-

  1. Welcome by Chairman
  1. Apologies for absence
  1. To approve the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 26th April 2023.
  1.  Reports-     Parish Council – Including accounts and introduction to Community Resilience Plan

                                 Hampshire County Councillor and New Forest District Councillor

  1. Simon Kampa- Introduction  to exploring the possibility of creating a children’s area in the village.
  1. Any further matters to be raised by the public
All Parish and Town Councils throughout England are required by law to hold an Annual Parish Meeting, which must take place between 1st March and 1st June.   Purpose of the Annual Parish Meeting The purpose of the meeting is for the Parish Council to explain what it has been doing over the past year and enables electors to have their say on anything they consider to be of importance to the people of the Parish.   Who can attend the meeting? The Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting of all the local government electors for the Parish. It is NOT a Meeting of the Parish Council. Anyone may attend but only registered electors of Woodgreen Parish may vote.

Amanda Johnson, Clerk to Woodgreen Parish Council, ℅ Woodgreen Community Shop, Hale Road, Woodgreen, SP6 2AJ

Tel 01725 511636. 07553728121. Email: