
New Forest residents to benefit from free energy saving scheme

New Forest District Council is partnering with Community Energy South to fund a new free energy saving advice and volunteer training programme. 

Together, the organisations have provided New Forest Transition with £40,000 in funding to deliver the New Forest HEAT (Home Energy Advice Team) Project, which aims to support residents in becoming more energy-aware and to provide them with free advice on cutting their energy bills. 

The New Forest HEAT Project is encouraging residents to get in touch this autumn and winter, either to request advice, or to train as an advisor. Local people can sign up to train for free to become volunteer energy advisors for the New Forest community. This volunteer team will then be providing free advice across the district to help residents save energy and money.      

Cllr Geoffrey Blunden, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, said: “We are proud to be supporting New Forest Transition, together with Community Energy South, by providing £40,000 in funding from our allocation of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. By supporting the delivery of this programme, we are ensuring that we are continuing to take climate action and working towards our aim of becoming net zero carbon by 2050.” 

“This programme is an excellent way to support our residents to develop their green skills, improve the energy efficiency of their homes, and reduce energy bills, and I look forward to seeing the positive impact this programme has within our community.” 

Laura Wilson, Head of Community Energy Pathways at Community Energy South, said: “Community Energy South is delighted to be working with New Forest Transition on this exciting project to develop green skills and encourage communities to take action on energy reduction. There is a lot of great work at a community level already happening within the New Forest, including through Community Energy New Forest, and this project offers an opportunity to link all these together.” 

Cathy Cook, Project Consultant at New Forest HEAT Project, said: “We are delighted to be receiving this grant and are very much looking forward to our volunteer team providing energy advice and thermal imaging surveys direct to New Forest communities through home visits, and also through local energy events at village halls.” 

Residents can request more information, or apply to become volunteers, by emailing New Forest HEAT Project at or calling 023 8028 3491. 

The New Forest HEAT Project will be hosting its launch event for volunteers on Saturday 14 September at the Lyndhurst Community Centre, Central Car Park, High Street, Lyndhurst, SO43 7NY, from 10am to 3pm.

Volunteers can email by 12pm on Monday 2 September to book their space. 

Contact Information

Lottie Elms


Parish Councillor Vacancy

Vacancy on Woodgreen Parish Council

Woodgreen Parish Council needs a new member; if you think you could fulfil this role, are over 18 years of age and an elector living in or associated with Woodgreen,  please contact the Clerk on 07553 728121 or email

What is a councillor?

Councillors are elected to represent an individual geographical unit on the council, known as a ward or parish – in Woodgreen it is a parish. Councillors are generally elected by the public every four years, but there is a space available on Woodgreen Parish Council at the moment and the Parish Council can fill the vacancy by co-option.

What do councillors do?

Councillors have three main components to their work.

 1. Decision making – Through meetings and attending committees with other elected members, councillors decide which activities to support, where money should be spent, what services should be delivered and what policies should be implemented.

2. Monitoring – Councillors make sure that their decisions lead to efficient and effective services by keeping an eye on how well things are working.

3. Getting involved locally – As local representatives, councillors have responsibilities towards their constituents and local organisations. These responsibilities and duties often depend on what the councillor wants to achieve and how much time is available, and may include:

 • Going to meetings of local organisations such as the Village Hall Committee.

 • Going to meetings of bodies affecting the wider community (eg NW Quadrant Meeting)

 • Taking up issues on behalf of members of the public

 How much time does it take up?

Quite often councillors say that their duties occupy them for about an hour a week. Obviously there are some councillors who spend more time than this – and some less, but in the main, being a, parish councillor is an enjoyable way of contributing to your community, and helping to make it a better place to live and work. As a councillor representing your community you will help keep it a great place to live and work. You will be supported in your role and will be expected to undertake training. You should be comfortable working electronically. You should have a positive outlook and a can-do attitude and be willing to work as part of a team.

If after reading this notice you are interested in applying please contact the clerk to the council using the above details by Friday 31st July.


Notice of Vacancy in Office of Councillor

that a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Woodgreen Parish Council.

If by 24 June, 2024 14 days after the date of this notice excluding Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays, a request for an election to fill the vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer, New Forest District Council, Appletree Court, Beaulieu Road, Lyndhurst, SO43 7PA by TEN electors for the Parish, an election will be held to fill the vacancy. If no request for an election is received the vacancy will be filled by co-option.
If an election is called, it will take place no later than 27 August, 2024.
Dated 4 June, 2024
Amanda Johnson

Clerk to Woodgreen Parish Council c/o Woodgreen Community Shop Hale Road Woodgreen Fordingbridge SP6 2AJ


Woodgreen Parish Annual Meeting



To be held on Wednesday 24th April 2024 in Woodgreen Village Hall commencing at 7.00pm

Chaired by Cllr John Clarke, Chairman of Woodgreen Parish Council

Cheese and Wine Reception 7pm

All parishioners are invited to meet with local village organisations, parish and district councillors to chat about their roles and their activities over the last year.

Followed at 7.45pm by-

  1. Welcome by Chairman
  1. Apologies for absence
  1. To approve the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 26th April 2023.
  1.  Reports-     Parish Council – Including accounts and introduction to Community Resilience Plan

                                 Hampshire County Councillor and New Forest District Councillor

  1. Simon Kampa- Introduction  to exploring the possibility of creating a children’s area in the village.
  1. Any further matters to be raised by the public
All Parish and Town Councils throughout England are required by law to hold an Annual Parish Meeting, which must take place between 1st March and 1st June.   Purpose of the Annual Parish Meeting The purpose of the meeting is for the Parish Council to explain what it has been doing over the past year and enables electors to have their say on anything they consider to be of importance to the people of the Parish.   Who can attend the meeting? The Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting of all the local government electors for the Parish. It is NOT a Meeting of the Parish Council. Anyone may attend but only registered electors of Woodgreen Parish may vote.

Amanda Johnson, Clerk to Woodgreen Parish Council, ℅ Woodgreen Community Shop, Hale Road, Woodgreen, SP6 2AJ

Tel 01725 511636. 07553728121. Email:


New Forest Awakening Festival

The New Forest Awakening Festival – led by the New Forest National Park Authority with a range of partners – is now an annual Festival which runs throughout the whole month of March.

Through a series of events, talks, workshops and initiatives, people can discover why the New Forest is so special, its role in the climate and nature emergencies, what people are already doing to protect it, and how everyone can help.

The Festival is about increasing people’s understanding of the issues in the New Forest and how we can all help respond to the nature and climate crises.

Why March? The New Forest is beginning to awaken for spring: we’re awakening our awareness of nature and climate issues; and we’re awakening our action to help protect our precious landscape.

The New Forest National Park Authority made a declaration of intent to champion action with partners and communities towards the National Park being ‘net zero with nature’ by 2050. Net zero is achieved when any harmful greenhouse gas emissions are balanced by an equivalent amount being absorbed by the atmosphere and landscape.

The New Forest is a very special place. More than 50% of the area is of international importance for nature, and some sites have the highest possible conservation status.

The climate emergency is putting the fragile landscapes and habitats under threat, with hotter, drier summers and warmer, wetter winters changing nature’s balance in the future.

Click here to see the 2024 timetable of events


Stay on track to support New Forest wildlife this spring

Stay on track to support New Forest wildlife this spring

People are being asked to help rare ground nesting birds survive in the New Forest again this year by staying on the main tracks and keeping dogs with them here.

Special quiet zones will be set up at the most sensitive breeding locations with nearby car parks closed and signs in place to highlight the presence of the birds and help avoid disturbance as they attempt to breed and raise chicks.  

The New Forest is a Special Protection Area for Birds. Under pressure in many parts of the UK, helping ground nesting birds breed successfully in the New Forest has a key role to play in their overall survival. Whilst the fortunes of some species of these rare birds have improved in recent years thanks to people’s support, others still remain under considerable pressure.

Dartford Warblers, a small bird that nests in gorse or close the ground, have done well with the highest ever numbers recorded in the Forest and nearby locations in 2023. The numbers make the area one of the most important UK locations for this species.

Conversely, Nightjars which travel all the way from Africa to nest in the New Forest saw their numbers here decline by around 18%. Curlews, a key species of waders, had some limited success in breeding in the Forest last year but overall numbers still remain critically low.  

Unlike most birds, ground nesting birds build nests and raise their young on the ground around woodland edges and on the open heathland areas of the Forest. This makes it especially important to avoid startling parents causing them to flee their nests and leave eggs and chicks exposed to predators.

Leanne Sargeant, Senior Ecologist for Forestry England, said:

“Anyone visiting the New Forest during spring can’t help but notice the huge amount of bird song and activity. This really is a special place in the UK for birds, and making sure we continue to see ground nesting birds here in good numbers is key to this continuing. Everyone spending time here has a role to play and it’s really simple to help – please stay on the main, gravel tracks and avoid the heathlands and woodland edges to give these birds the space they need.”

Car parks closed during the breeding season include: Clayhill, Crockford, Crockford Clump, Hincheslea, Hincheslea Moor, Ocknell Pond, Ogdens, Shatterford and Yew Tree Heath.

Orange signs indicate areas very close to breeding grounds and can be seen in locations including car parks and on the main tracks. Red “stop” signs highlight nesting sites in the immediate vicinity and ask the public to avoid these areas.

People are asked to stick to the main gravel tracks and not to venture onto open, heathland areas where birds will be nesting. Dog walkers are asked to lend their support by keeping dogs with them on the tracks and where necessary using leads to keep them under close control.

Heather Gould, Chair of New Forest Dog Owners Group, said:

“It’s really simple for everyone who spends time here to help protect ground nesting birds by obeying the signs which are put out and avoiding sensitive area all together. We’d advise all dog walkers to avoid the protected heathlands if they can walk elsewhere during the nesting season. For more ideas on where to go instead just use Forestry England’s robust tracks map on their website.”

Everyone spending time on the Forest whether on foot, wheels or hoovescan take part in the campaign. 

Hannah Marsh, British Horse Society Regional Manager for the South of England, said:

“In spring and summer, many birds make their nests on the ground on heaths and open areas of the Forest. Making small adjustments to where we ride during this time can make a big difference to their survival. When you are riding on the Forest please to stick to the main tracks.”

Steve Avery, Executive Director at the New Forest National Park Authority, said:

“The New Forest National Park contains some of the most important wetlands and the most extensive area of heathland left in Europe – home to rare birds whose survival is under threat. We can all help by checking routes before heading out in the Forest, knowing which car parks are closed and where the quiet breeding zones are so we can avoid them. Always stay on the way-marked cycle routes and avoid veering off across open areas and heathlands where birds – although you might not see them – will be nesting and looking after precious young.”

Forestry England, working with local organisations and volunteers, surveys the numbers of ground-nesting birds every five years to monitor their fortunes. During 2024 it will assess numbers of Woodlarks and in 2025 look at the Curlew breeding population. During the breeding season the Forestry England team also monitors key ground nesting bird nests, carries out targeted predator control and supports ongoing research into these rare species.

More information about ground nesting birds in the New Forest can be found at and

For a full list of up-to-date car park closures visit

The robust tracks most suitable for dog walking in the New Forest during the ground nesting bird season are marked in red on this map.


Give your views on New Forest District Council’s draft Corporate Plan

New Forest District Council are inviting residents, organisations, and businesses to have their say on the Council’s draft corporate plan.

The 4 year plan is the overarching document that sets the vision, values, priorities, and commitments of the district authority, from 2024.

Cllr Jill Cleary, Leader, said,

“Our corporate plan plays a principal role in the strategic framework for the council and is the overarching document that sets out our vision of a better future by supporting opportunities for the people and communities we serve, protecting our unique and special place, and securing a vibrant and prosperous New Forest.

“The plan focuses on the challenges we face, and the ambitions we have to respond to these challenges, structured around the themes of People, Place and Prosperity.  

“The council has long recognised the strong heritage and a world-class environment we operate within, and work to protect and enhance. Tackling climate and environmental challenges is key to ensure that the special nature of the New Forest can be enjoyed by future generations.

“We also want to support the prosperity of our residents. We know there are investment opportunities to come, and it is important to me that our residents now and in the future can benefit from these opportunities.

“We will support our communities to feel safe and supported while being able to take every opportunity that comes the district’s way.

“Together we will navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead, ensuring our district remains a wonderful place to live, work and thrive”

Comments on the draft corporate plan are invited until 26 January 2024, at


NFDC Christmas and New Year recycling and rubbish collections, and recycling advice

There are some changes to household recycling and rubbish collections in the New Forest district over Christmas and New Year. 

Clear recycling sack and black rubbish sack collections: 

Sack collections usually due on Monday 25 December and Monday 1 January, will instead be on Tuesday 2 January.  

Sack collections usually due on Tuesday 26 December and Tuesday 2 January, will instead be on Wednesday 3 January.  

Sack collections usually due from Wednesday 3 January to Friday 5 January, will instead be on the following day. For example, households who would usually have their sacks collected on Wednesday 3 January, will have them collected on Thursday 4 January.  

New Forest District Council (NFDC) can collect extra recycling and rubbish from affected households. 

All other sack collections will stay the same as usual.  

Glass collections: 

Glass collections usually due on Monday 25 December, will instead be on Saturday 30 December.  

Glass collections usually due on Tuesday 26 December, will instead be on Saturday 6 January.  

Glass collections usually due on Monday 1 January, will instead be on Saturday 13 January.  

All other glass collections will stay the same as usual. 

Garden waste collections:

As usual, NFDC are pausing garden waste collections for 2 weeks over Christmas and New Year.  

There will be no garden waste collections from Monday 25 December to Sunday 7 January. They will resume from Monday 8 January. 

Residents can check their usual collection day online: 

A full list of changes to waste and recycling collections, and more information about recycling over Christmas and New Year, is available online: 

Reusing and recycling Christmas waste  

NFDC are reminding residents to add empty aerosols, plastic bottles, tins, cans, card, and paper to their clear recycling sacks.  

If not reused, greeting cards and plain brown gift wrap can be recycled, but any decorations such as ribbons or sticky tape need to be removed first.  

The majority of gift wrap is not suitable for recycling in Hampshire as it contains a mixture of plastic and foil.  

Christmas tree recycling  

NFDC’s Christmas tree drop-off points are returning from Sunday 31 December to Sunday 14 January. 

List of Christmas tree drop-off locations:  


A338 Slip Road Car Park    



Furlong Long Stay Car Park – follow signs to designated area    

BH24 1AT   

Residents are asked to only drop off real Christmas trees and remove any decorations first, such as lights or wreaths. Trees must be placed as far back as possible in the fenced bay. Any trees left in car parks not on the list or by litter bins, will be treated as fly-tipping. 

NFDC will recycle the trees by chipping them to create mulch. The mulch will be used locally to help keep moisture around plant roots, and to prevent weeds from growing. 

Last year, NFDC recycled over 6,500 Christmas trees which were taken to the drop-off locations.


Have your say on new pop-up campsite planning controls for the New Forest

Have your say on new pop-up campsite planning controls for the New Forest

The New Forest National Park Authority has issued new planning controls for temporary campsites to protect local communities and the environment of the New Forest.

Under new national ‘permitted development rights’ introduced by the Government in Summer 2023, pop-up campsites can operate for 60 days a year without planning permission.

Planning authorities can make an ‘Article 4 Direction’ which means proposals can’t be carried out under national permitted development rights and instead require a planning application. In ecologically-sensitive areas such as national parks, this allows the proposal to be considered in more detail and, where appropriate, suitable planning conditions to be attached.

Such a Direction was issued last year in response to concerns from local residents, parish councils and other organisations around the number of temporary campsites operating in the National Park, their impact on local communities and the wider landscape and habitats of the New Forest.

Following the introduction of further nationwide permitted development rights in July this year, the Authority has made a new Direction that has immediate effect, meaning certain ‘pop-up’ campsites within the New Forest National Park boundary will need to apply for planning permission to operate.

The rules apply to:

  • any land first used as a temporary recreational campsite after 1 March 2020; and
  • the use of any land as a temporary recreational campsite for more than 28 days in total in any calendar year.

Article 4 Directions can be used by local planning authorities to protect residential amenity, the special qualities and habitats of an area, and the National Park Authority believes the use of the Direction within the protected landscape of the National Park is justified.

The New Forest National Park has seen a significant increase in the number of pop-up campsites since lockdown, and also has more than three times the number of camping and touring caravan bed spaces per square kilometre than the average of all other English national parks.

Gordon Bailey, Chair of the New Forest NPA Planning Committee, said: ‘The New Forest is already one of the most visited National Parks in England and has the highest proportion of land designated as internationally important for nature conservation in the country. It’s therefore vital we protect the very thing that people come to enjoy.

‘Holiday parks and campsites are already well provided for in the National Park, and the new Article 4 Direction will help prevent negative impacts and pressures on our communities, protected habitats, wildlife and landscapes.’

The new Article 4 Direction applies across the whole of the New Forest National Park and comes into force on 27 October. As part of the process, comments on the introduction of the new Article 4 Direction are invited and the consultation is open from 27 October 2023 to 1 December 2023.

To take part, please go to where you can see the Direction and accompanying plan on the New Forest National Park Authority website from 27 October. Or you can view it at the New Forest National Park Authority’s offices, Town Hall, Avenue Road, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 9ZG.

Comments/representations can be sent to the Policy Manager at the above address or emailed to, quoting ‘Article 4 Direction – temporary recreational campsites’.

The consultation comments received between 27 October and 1 December 2023 will be considered when the Authority makes a decision on whether to confirm the Direction, which will take place by 26 April 2024. The National Park Authority will shortly produce updated guidance to help inform future planning applications for temporary campsites.


NFDC Funding

The District Council is making available £1m for ‘Community Infrastructure Levy’ (CIL) funds to be spent on local projects. These projects will help infrastructure to be delivered on projects local communities have highlighted.  If you are a Parish Council I would ask that you pass this information on to your local school’s and community groups and work with them and encourage them to make a bid.

The window for making a bid is open from now until mid December, and further information is available on our website at:

CIL can be used to fund a wide range of infrastructure projects from large-scale transport and highways improvements to play areas and community buildings. Further information is available at:

If you would like to discuss any potential projects, please do reply to this email or call 023 8024 5345 (option 1)